What is Conductive Education?
Professor Andras Peto – the founder of the method – began to work with children with cerebral palsy after the 2nd World War, with a brand new, till then absolutely unknown method. He denominated the method to conductive education, the experts to conductors.
Professor Peto’s invention is that the brain is flexible, so the non-specific nerve-cells can assume the role of the damaged ones, new nerve tracts can be developed, but it can be possible only through learning.Conductive education in the case of children with cerebral palsy (diplegia, hemiplegia, tetraparesis spastica, athetosis, ataxia): this complex method requires to influence the whole personality of the disabled child, through its educational-pedagogic programme. Conductive education is a rehabilitative education, led by qualified conductors.
Good result can be reached in the case of disabled adults (stroke, state after brain haemorrhage, Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis multiplex) with the method of conductive education.
Conductive Education deals with the following diagnoses:
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Spastic Diplegy
- Hemiplegy
- Tetraplegy
- Athetosis
- Paraplegy
- Ataxy
- Stroke
- Parkinson disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Atrophy
- Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- address:
- H-2030. Érd, Gyöngyvirág str. 56. Hungary
- phone:
- +36-209-724-732
- e-mail:
- moira_at_moira-cec_point_hu